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Lecithin For Animals and Aqua Feed


Lecithin For Animals and Aqua Feed

Lecithin is a generic term for a mixture of phospholipids and occurs naturally in living organisms. The use of lecithins in animal feed applications derives from the application that nature intended for it. It is used to keep fat and water stable in an emulsion under various applications.

In the case of animal feed, fats (as an energy source) need to be provided to the animals along with roughage, protein, and vitamins. In order for this dosed fat to be taken up by the animals, lecithin is required. In fact, we also offer a blend of fat and lecithin for this purpose. Typically, we recommend a dosage of lecithin on a weight basis of the fat being incorporated into the feed blend.

Furthermore, lecithin allows the transmission of fat-soluble vitamins into the bloodstream. Thus, it is critical for the rearing of animals in general.

Specific Application I: Broiler

The application of lecithin in broiler feed results in a 2-5% reduction in protein and energy component requirements for less than 1% incorporation of lecithin on a total feed basis. This is due to the increased uptake of fats, which are not only required as an energy carrier but also result in better protein incorporation in the broiler due to the additional availability of energy.

Specific Application II: Layer

As this is a natural extract, this product also provides other benefits for the broiler. These include improvements to embryo development, nutrient retention in the egg, enhanced fertility, and increased tolerance to diseases. Furthermore, similar to its application in humans, fatty liver symptoms are reduced upon consumption. Finally, there is greater stability in peak egg production.

Specific Application III: Swine

As with both of the above applications, there is improved efficiency in nutrient uptake. This results in lower fat being required in the doses. Additionally, it results in greater protein incorporation.

Specific Application IV: Aquafeed

As with both of the above applications, there is improved efficiency in nutrient uptake, resulting in lower fat requirements in the doses. Additionally, there is greater protein incorporation, decreased incidence of malformation and disease, and a greater survival rate in crustaceans upon the dosage of lecithin, as crustaceans aren’t able to synthesize the quantity of phospholipids that they need.

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